Civil Cases
What Is Civil Litigation?
Civil litigation is the process in which civil matters are resolved in a court of law. Civil matters can be described as situations dealing with relationships between people, such as a marriage, or a contract dispute between corporations. It does not involve criminal matters. However, I can handle a civil matter that is also outside of the court process, such as through arbitration or mediation.
Whether you are being sued as a Defendant or you need to sue someone, as a Plaintiff, please contact me today for assistance! I use the trial process as a way to assist your leverage in order to help you achieve a favorable settlement. Or, if the case cannot be resolved through settlement, then rest assured knowing that you have competent counsel to take your case to the finish line in front of a Judge or Jury.
Listed below in the outline are a broad spectrum of the civil case types that I can handle for you.

Abuse of Process
- Sued illegally or for improper motives
Animal Cases
- Dog bites
- Negligence with pets or animals
- Wild animals
- Ordinance violations
- Wrongful or offensive contact or threats against a person
Businesses & Formations
- Corporations
- Limited liability companies & partnerships
- Piercing the corporate veil
- Reinstatement
- Aiding and abetting
- Apparent liability
- Claims against multiple people
- Principal-agent liability
- Vicarious and participatory liability
Contracts (Oral or Written)
- Contract interpretations
- Construction contracts
- Demand letters & presuit notices
- Employment contracts
- Mechanic lien contracts
Non-Payment or Lack of Performance
- Money owed to you or someone
- Presentment of claims
- Promises made and broken
- Real estate contracts
- Severance contracts
- Quantum meruit
- Tortious interference with existing contract
- Unjust enrichment
- Unpaid rent
- Wrongfully exercised dominion or control over property
Credit Repair
- Defamation against credit bureaus or 3rd parties
- Deletion of wrongful credit items
- Identity theft
Death Actions
- Medical malpractice
- Survival actions by family members
- Wrongful deaths
Deceptive Trade Practices
- Breach of implied and express warranties
- Consumer actions against professionals
- False, misleading, deceptive, or unconscionable conduct
Defamation (Libel & Slander)
- Oral and written statements of falsity
- Published to third parties and on the internet
- Recovery of money damages
- Restraining orders and injunctions
- All types
- Age
- Employment
- Fair housing
- Gender
- National origin
- Racial
- Sexual harassment
Dram Shop Liability
- Providing alcohol to intoxicated adult or minor
Eminent Domain
- Real property takings by government
- All types
- Contract claims
- Discrimination
- Payday violations
- Respondent superior
- Retaliation
- Texas Workforce Commission – hearings and appeals
- Severance agreements
- Wrongful termination
Sexual Harassment
- Unpaid wages
- Wrongful discharge
- All types
- Commercial
- Foreclosure
- Landlord-tenant
- Residential
False Imprisonment (Civil Cases Not Criminal)
- Detaining someone without legal authority or justification
Family Law
- Adoption
- Child support
- Custody
- Divorces
- Modifications
- Parental rights
- Paternity
- Property matters
- Termination of rights
- Restraining orders and protective orders
- All other family law matters
- All types
- Claims against mortgage lenders
- Defense
- HOA foreclosures
Fiduciary Duties
- Attorneys
- Partners
- Associates of law firms
- Agents
- Escrow agents
- Insurance agents
- Spouses
- Holders of power attorney
- Corporate officers
- Joint ventures
- Executors & trustees
- Securities brokers
- Taxpayers
- Class representatives
- Mineral-rights holders
- Condominium-board members
- Employees
- All types
Insurance Actions
- Bad faith
- Deceptive practices
- Duty to defend
- Late payment of claims
- Motor-vehicle accidents
- Personal injury
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
- Extreme & outrageous conduct cases
Invasion of Privacy
- Appropriation of name or likeness
- Intrusions into solitude, seclusion, or private affairs
- Public disclosure of private facts
Landlord-Tenant Actions
- Appeals
- Constructive evictions
- Contract disputes
- Evictions & defense
- Failure to repair problem
- Forcible detainer
- Lease violations
- Pauper affidavits
- Retaliation
- Security deposits
- Unlawful lockouts
- Utility interruption
- Warranty of suitability
Libel & Slander (Defamation Cases)
- Oral and written statements of falsity
- Published to third parties and on internet
- Restraining orders and injunction
- Recovery of money damages
Malicious Prosecution (Civil Cases Only)
- Civil case against you with malice, without cause, and dismissed
Medical Malpractice
- Negligent doctor or health care providers
Negligence Actions
- Accidents and injuries
- Entrustment of motor vehicle
- Negligent hiring and misrepresentation
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Negligent hiring
- Passenger claims
- Personal injury
- Slip and fall
- Workplace accidents
Nuisance Action
- Private and public
Probate and Estate Planning
- Guardianships
- Letters testamentary
- Medical power of attorney
- Power of Attorney
- Real property issues
Trusts & Wills
- HIPPA consents
- Living will
- Power of Attorney
- Probate cases
- Trust formations
- Will creation
Premises Liability
- Dangerous work condition
- Slip and fall
- Injured at public place or property
Real Estate
- All types of issues
- Contracts & sales
- Closings
- Eviction
- Mortgages
- Wrongful foreclosure
- Offensive and defensive
Suits Against or by the Government
- Professional licensing and occupational disputes or issues
- Texas appraiser licensing and certification board
- Texas real estate commission
- Whistle-blower claims
Theft Liability
- Personal or real property
- Misuse and misappropriation
- Chattels (personal property)
Real Property
- All types of issues
Unfair Debt Collection
- Credit Bureau
- Debt collector
- Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act
- Third-party collectors
- Unlawful collection activities
- Wrongful foreclosure
- Excessive interest charges on loans
Warranty Action
- Express warranties
- Implied warranties
- Lemon laws
Wiretap Actions
- Oral (face to face communications)
- Disclosure
- Wire (oral with aid of wire or cable)
- Electronic (data)
- Interception
- Use
Wrongful Discharge Claims
- Discrimination
- Employment cases
- Retaliation
- Refused to commit illegal actions
- Sexual discrimination
- Texas Workforce Commission Appeals